Tuesday, February 15, 2011

St. Patrick's Day Ideas

Feeling Irish
On St. Patrick’s Day we can all FEEL IRISH!!!
On St. Patrick’s Day you don’t have to be Irish to enjoy the spirit of the day.
Geather your clan and celebrate the spirt of the day with some Irish food because everyone is Irish on St. Patrick’s Day. The popularity of this holiday has spread like a patch of clover. There are more St. Patrick’s Day parades held in the United States than in Ireland.
Celebrating each holiday is our way of celebrating life. It does help if you look good in green, believe in wee-folk and enjoy a bit of sausage and cabbage. Come and visit us at www.mom-stuff.com and celebrate with us.
St. Patrick’s Day Kid’s Crafts
St. Patrick’s Kid’s Crafts .
St. Patrick’s Day Treat Bag
These are fast, easy and inexpensive for when you want to give a friend gift to several people. . . .
Rockin Bobbie Pins
Make your own Rockin Bobbie Pins, hair accessories,  to match your clothes. All you need are bobbie pins and your imagination. These are so much fun. You can make some for every holiday or even every outfit. . . .
St. Patrick’s Family Fun
Geather your clan and celebrate the spirt of the day with some Irish food because everyone is Irish on St. Patrick’s Day. On St. Patrick’s Day we can all FEEL IRISH!!! On St. Patrick’s Day you don’t have to be Irish to enjoy the spirit of the day. Every holiday is a good excuse to celebrate. Holidays are a good time to add some fun and enjoyment to your life. Celebrating each holiday is our way of celebrating life. It does help if you look good in green, believe in wee-folk and enjoy a bit of sausage and cabbage. . . .keep reading
St Patricks Day Decorations
May you live as long as you want, and never WANT as long as you live. “Irish toast” . . .
St. Patrick’s Day Recipes
Gather you clan and celebrate with some Irish food because everyone is Irish on St. Patrick’s Day! . . .
St Patrick’s Day Scrapbooking
For this page I wanted to make a St Patrick’s page for the mom-stuff web site. I wanted it to use a picture of my grandson who I feel very lucky and blessed to have in my life. . . .
For St Patrick’s Day we have given you crafts, recipes and decorations to make and enjoy. We hope you will have the luck of the Irish with you, get a kiss from a  good looking lepracon, find the gold at the end of your rainbow or at least have a toast with us. the Mom-Stuff Team
May you live as long as you want, and never WANT as long 

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Let's Celebrate Febuary

Unseen by anyone, though the deepest days of winter are present, the sap begins to rise in the trees in February.  By the end of the month, the maples will be tapped for the sap to begin running, making the syrup that reminds us of the Valentine sweets.  We all have heart-sap running deep, waiting to rise.  When heart and mind work together, we call it intuition.  This is the time to let you feel that process.
Old ideas or habits may keep you from trusting yourself and your ability to perceive your own needs and find your own answers.   Learning to use heart and mind together can be daunting in a society that values scientific proof above most everything.  In the movie “The Karate Kid”, a bonsai master hands a young boy a tree and pruning shears.  Concerned, he asks what he should do, not wanting to damage the tree.  He is told to look at the tree, to focus, and to cut away what doesn’t look like the tree.  Surprisingly, the results are pleasing to him and to the master.  Ours can be likewise.
Anciently, February was celebrated with a feast of purification.  From that tradition came the country custom of cutting fence posts from dead wood, trimming grapevines, and pruning trees during this period.  For us, it’s a great month to focus on finding and eliminating the deadwood in our lives.  Pruning involves evaluation, determining the value of every branch, and foreseeing the potential for productive growth by removing whatever is unnecessary. Too much clutter makes inspiration difficult.  Look at your life and at the shape you’ve decided you want it to take.  What doesn’t “look or feel like” that life?  So often we believe we have a goal or intent, but honest evaluation may show us that we actually spend our life energy in very different directions.  Does what you are doing reflect your knowledge of who you are and where you are going?
February is always associated with Valentine’s Day.  Like the winter holidays, we want someone to share the time with, and may have expectations too great to be fulfilled.  Learning to listen to our hearts is a difficult process.  There is definite sweetness in companionship, but unless there is an inherent capacity for joy within ourselves we can’t form lasting relationships with others.  Maple sap drips slowly into the tapers pail.  We find our sweetness the same way, a drop at time.  Filling our emotional bucket starts deep, rising and filling out slowly as we have the warmth and light of trusting our own feelings.
Forcing ourselves into situations or relationships that don’t “feel” right violates our identity, numbing our ability to feel in the future.  Filigree flower essence is a tool for gaining perspective; gentian and self-heal can support us in moving through disappointments.  Asking yourself how it would feel to trust your feelings can be a great revelation. Try it!
It is difficult to feel inspired when we’re tired, cold and sluggish.  The earth in February is cold, wet, and gray and it is an extra effort to get our bodies moving.  Massaging the center of the forehead can stimulate blood flow to the pineal gland and other organs in the head, helping you to think more clearly.  Take a long walk in crisp, cold air just to let your mind wander.  Recognize that your sap is still rising, and encourage that with gentle, flowing, stretching exercises.  Add classical dance movements to everyday activities to feel the movements of the muscles in your arms and legs.
Excerpt from Leaves for the Tree of Life
a woman’s guide to integration of body, heart and mind.
By Kim Welborn and Dianne Murray

How to help Clean Your Dishes

A few months ago a new law went into effect that banned phosphates from dishwashing detergent in 17 states, is your state one of them?. It may help the environment, but it’s making it harder to get clean dishes for your family. Who wants a product that makes your life harder?
“For the last month and a half my dishes just weren’t getting clean,” Lorinda Loveridge said.
When her dishes came out with a film on them, Loveridge’s initial thought was that her dishwasher needed to be replaced.
“I think anybody would, for those of us who didn’t know what was going on, especially if you didn’t switch detergent,” she said. “What else would you think it was?”
Marilyn Albertson, with the Utah State University Cooperative Extension Office, frequently gets calls from consumers wanting to know why their dishes are suddenly so dirty.
“It has changed the way people do dishes, and it has caused frustration out there,” Albertson said. Us moms do not need any more frustrations.
After she explains that phosphates have been removed from the dishwasher detergent, Albertson asks the person if he or she has a water softener.
“Hard water makes it much more difficult to clean the dishes than soft water,” she explained.
Albertson recommends a commercial rinse aid. Other home remedies include adding one-half to 1 teaspoon of baking soda, or you can try 1 teaspoon of white vinegar. If you still have trouble, Albertson has another recommendation.
“You can make a mix of a tablespoon of baking soda and a tablespoon of borax and put that in your detergent cup and then wash,” she said.
Daisy Hodges has had good luck since she started adding vinegar at the beginning of the wash cycle.
“It swishes for about 30 seconds, and then I just dump some vinegar in,” Hodges explained.
Now her dishes are coming out about as clean as they were with the old detergent.
“It’s working good, except when I forget,” she said. “Sometimes I forget, but it works good.”
There doesn’t seem to be a one-size-fits-all remedy. Albertson says you’ll really just have to experiment to see what works for you.
Mom-Stuff.com wants to help make your life easier. Article posted at http://www.ksl.com/?nid=148&sid=14228628

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Join the Boob Vacation

Read on…This is an event from a FB friend of mine…Boob on Vacation for @Wil Whalen.
Not only do I think it’s an awesome idea but I also think that you should do it. Be a part of positive healing through humor!
“Here’s the deal. I lost my mother, my Aunt Dottie and my childhood friend to cancer. Lasts year, I lost my dear friend Rose. Now another woman I’m close to has been diagnosed.
Cathy Morris is like a mother to me. For 8 years she’s been very good to me. Icannot even put into words how much I love her dearly. Her kids Michele and Damien are two of my favorite people on the planet. They are my Maine Family. They’re the first people I call with good news and they have my back when times are tough. So….the bad news. Cathy has breast cancer. She is having a mastectomy. The day she found out she had cancer we all went out for food and drinks. Cathy also has an amazing sense of humor as well. She said, “I’m not going to look at it like I lost a boob, I’m just going to pretend it went on vacation.” Then she proceeded to make jokes about her boob going around the world having a great time. Then she said she wanted to write a book about her boob on vacation. And that gave me this idea. If she thinks her boob is on vacation, then it should send post cards. So I want everyone to go buy a post card from the town you live in and send it to Mama Morris. Write something witty about what her boob did while there mention you and your friends/family and sign it, Love Your Boob. Wil Whalen
Example from one of our mom-stuff moms.
Mamma Morris,
Hello, I am enjoying the sun in St George UT with two cute goofy girls,
Your Boob
Our wish is for her to receive a TON of these postcards so she can make a scrap book of her Boob On Vacation. You have no idea how much this will mean to her. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DO THIS! It will be the best medicine ever! Also, feel free to pay it forward and get a bunch of your friends to do it as well. You have all my gratitude for this! And yes, even if you live here in Maine, still do it. Also, if you feel so inclined, copy the text of this event and email it to 10 friends.
When she receives all her post cards, I’ve going to scan them in my computer front and back and then have a hard back book made for her.
Mama Morris
36 Ferncroft Rd.
Buxton Maine 04093″
If you want to send me a pic of your post card I will down load them to Facebook (dianne@mom-stuff.com.) I think we can get some serious momentum going for Cathy. I love the idea of lots of us coming together for healing with laughter.