Friday, February 19, 2010

Katherine Center-A Mom-Stuff Favorite

Today is our last day st Katherine Center’s blog. We hope you have enjoyed Katherine’s work as much as we have. I want to share with you Katherine’s process in writing a novel. If you have a novel in you I think you will enjoy this. posted Jan 8,2010 on Katherine’s blog, My New New Novel

About five minutes ago, I sent the first three chapters of my new novel to my editor at Random House. It doesn’t have a title yet, and it won’t come out until Spring 2012. But it’s a crazy thrill to have the beginning in solid shape, and to send it off for feedback.

I’ve been watching this new story unfold in little pieces in my head for a long time. I know a lot already about where it’s going in a broad way (though the details are always one surprise after another). But it’s pretty thrilling to see it all actually happen. Does that make sense? It’s one thing to know a character goes for a walk. But it’s another to actually write the scene and BE THERE.

This is my process: I type the story, then print it out and carry it in a binder like precious cargo wherever I go. Then, as I re-read, it sparks other ideas in my head, and I write them all over the margins and on the backs of pages.

I edit things out and add things in at the same time. Then, after a bit, I type all the changes in and print it out again fresh. I love the pages when they are newly-printed and pristine. But I love them even more when they are scrawled and scribbled all over.

Usually I’ll use plain-old vinyl binders in black or white. But, for this one, I gave in to my love of pretty office products and bought a flowery binder at Target. At least, until the story gets too long to fit!

This was fun for me to see how a published author goes from conception to novel. I was surprised and tickled to see her note book. I carry around notebooks instead of my lap top too. With all of the wonderful technology today it is fun to see that some of the old methods just seems to still work. I want to thank Katherine for allowing me to visit her blog. It is such an honor to be welcomed in to someones life. and trusted with their treasured work. I wish Katherine years of success with her writing. I am so glad she is living the life she chose for herself. Katherine Center is an inspiration to moms everywhere to live their passion.

This weekend we will be changing Mom-Stuff to St. Patrick’s ideas to help you celebrate the luck of the Irish. Visit us for all of you family fun ideas. We have St. Patrick’s Day food, kids crafts, hair accessories and decorations. We love to celebrate with our families and on St. Patrick’s Day we believe everyone can be Irish. The popularity of this holiday has spread like a patch of wild clover. There are more St. Patrick’s Day parades held in the United States than in Ireland. So lets all get ready to add a wee bit o’ the green celebration to your life.

May God grant you aleays

Asunbeam to warm you,

Amoombean to charm you,

Asheltering angel

So nothing can harm you.

Have a great week. Next week we will be visiting Michelle at The Adventures of Supermom. It should be really fun.

See you week week, Dianne

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